One of the first things we did was pitch ideas to our teammates and then choose which team we wished to work for. I pitched Modular to my class as one of my most exciting ideas yet; luckily for me, tons of folks were interested! The final team we ended with was a pleasure to work with and deserves every bit of praise they receive.
My team consisted of myself, Keith Baker, Quinn Smith, and Halle Russell. With a wit as sharp as his UX skills, Keith took on the role of our primary UX researcher, but don't let his jokes fool you - he put in some serious work on the prototype too. Keith was like a detective, scouring the internet for clues on advanced prototyping in Figma, and boy did he deliver with some seriously awesome animations. Quinn was always ready to lend a hand with a smile on his face. His helpful attitude made him a breeze to work with, and he went above and beyond by single-handedly creating the car-overview pages. Not only did he ensure they were comprehensive, but he also made them as sleek as a sports car zooming down the highway. Quinn didn't just drive our project forward; he turbocharged it. Halle was the Swiss Army knife of our team, ready to tackle any task that came her way. She took the reins on wireframing, steering us in the right direction with her expertise, and crafted a blueprint for success with the initial layout of the prototype. Beyond wireframing, she transformed the "gallery" page into a masterpiece, assembling useful components like a maestro conducting a symphony. As the team leader of Modular, I wore many hats, seamlessly blending the roles of UX researcher and UI creator into one role of "team lead". When it came time to showcase our masterpiece at the senior capstone event, I stepped into the spotlight while captivating my audience of industry professionals with newfound presentation skills, which left a lasting impression on the hundreds of professionals in attendance. Together, we all created a project that we can all be proud of.

Goal Directed Design
Modular was executed using Goal-Directed Design, a process created by Alan Cooper that consists of 5 stages: research, modeling, requirements, framework, and refinement. By following this method, our team was able to establish a clear plan from the outset, enabling each team member to assume specific responsibilities and meet deadlines. The GDD process allowed us to conduct thorough research, develop accurate models, define requirements, establish a framework, refine the project, and provide support, resulting in a successful and well-executed project. Overall, this process helped us stay organized and focused on achieving our objectives, which ultimately led to the project's success.