At the beginning of the project, we were assigned groups of 4-5 based on which projects we seemed interested in after every student presented an app idea. My teammates were Kinsey Still, Nicole Brazier, and Cristy Kennedy. Our group chose to create OwlsNest, a Kennesaw State University social media platform originally presented by Kinsey. Kinsey served as our team leader - we were appropriately titled "Team Still" by our professor. Kinsey's role on our team not only mimicked the real-life role of a project manager but also provided guidance where needed. Kinsey's top skills included organization, technical writing, and interview moderation. Nicole proved herself as a dependable and adaptable team member, contributing substantially to our research report and allocating ample time to the interviewing process. Despite her busy work schedule, she consistently prioritized OwlsNest and showcased her expertise in interview moderation, technical writing, and document design. Cristy played a vital supportive role in various aspects of our project. Her primary contribution to the creation of OwlsNest was strategically placing filler items in our prototypes. Throughout our meetings, she asked numerous questions to ensure her understanding of our discussions. Cristy's top skills encompassed creativity, technical writing, and inquisitiveness. My role was to be the primary visual design expert. Being the only member with a history of wireframing and using Figma, I happily took on this role as I flourish in the visual aspects of projects like this. I also researched and wrote a significant amount of our research report, which complemented my technical writing skills. My top skills were prototyping, technical writing, and wireframing.
Goal Directed Design
The process by which we executed our project is called Goal-Directed Design, a method created by Alan Cooper. The GDD process guides team members through 5 stages: research, modeling, requirements, framework, and refinement.. By utilizing this method, we were able to establish a comprehensive plan from the beginning, enabling each team member to assign themselves general responsibilities and deadlines.