UI Challenges

During my time at Kennesaw State University, I picked up a few UI challenges from web prompts as well as class assignments. With these prompts, I dove in head-first and created multiple meaningful screens to present to my professors, classmates, and potential employers. Each design has a purpose and shows my competencies using Figma and the Adobe Creative Suite, as well as my focus on design principles that are often overlooked.

A GIF of the original onboarding process

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Auto Layout & Spacing

Auto Layout & Visual Design

Create multiple screens based off of individual prompts using auto layout cards, an 8-point grid, and a variety of frame sizes based off of specific devices.

This prompt was given to me by a professor during an advanced prototyping course in order to test my abilities using auto layout on various frame sizes & devices. All designs had to be created while referencing an 8-point grid.  Based off of each prompt, we were to explore on Dribbble.com in order to find visual design inspiration.

Prompt #1

Design a "neubrutalist" screen on an "iPad Mini 8.3" frame using auto layout and an 8-point grid.

This design was an absolute favorite of mine as well as my classmates. Using my background in photography, I was able to create a tasteful design with proper image focal points layered with modern vector images. I focused on utilizing auto layout within every section of the cards/sections of the screen in order to create a more responsive page that can be shrunk down to the size of an iPhone or stretched to the size of a large iMac.
I enjoyed creating this design since I could show my interest in reptiles, photography, and neubrutalism! I have been lucky enough to be able to photograph hundreds of reptiles during my time in the industry and (with owner permission) was thrilled to be able to utilize some of my photography in my projects!

Prompt #2

Design a simple informative app on an "iPhone SE" frame using auto layout cards, a header that utilizes auto layout, and display 8-point grid spacers. Avoid using photos.

Creating this design was a challenge due to time constraints and the "outdated" frame size. I rose up to the occasion and created a simple yet visually-pleasing astronomy app information page with auto layout cards for all components. These prompts were meant to be simple and focused on testing my skills in auto layout as well as appropriate spacing.

Prompt #3

Design a payment plan selection screen on a "Macbook Air" frame using complicated auto layout cards that include multiple text options, columns, and buttons.

This design, albeit simple in theory, was complicated as I had to utilize columns, buttons, and other features within multiple auto layout cards. Each card had to originate from the same card component. I was instructed to not make the design itself too complicated, but rather to focus on my skills within more advanced prototyping basics.